oxygen sensor diesel engine

Several diesel engines are present in several part of heavy duty vehicles, incluinding bus driven in many non developed states and large trucks with few cars as well These engines are highly sought after due to their strength and power capabilities. They also have the added benefit of using less fuel as compared to gasoline engines, which helps save on fuel costs. But, like any engine, diesel engines release a small portion of toxic gases too – nitrogen oxides for example. If not controlled properly, these gases prove harmful to the environment and endanger human health as well. Oxygen sensors play a critical role in reducing power consumption and emissions from diesel engines.

The Importance of Oxygen Sensors in Reducing Harmful Emissions in Diesel Engines

An oxygen sensor is a specific tool that gauges the volume of oxygen in the diesel engine exhaust. The exhaust is the gas that comes out after combustion of the fuel. The oxygen sensor communicates with the engine's computer, which is essentially the brain of the engine. This information then assists the engine in determining how much air and fuel it can use to function correctly. By utilizing the correct amount of air and fuel, for example, the engine can burn the fuel more thoroughly. This also means that the diesel engines can exert lesser pollution which includes carbon monoxide, and other harmful gases all whilst generating more power.

Why choose Derun Mechanical oxygen sensor diesel engine?

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